Mrs. Nao Sreymao, Model Farmer in Stung Treng Province

Mrs. Nao Sreymao is 27 years old. She is a mother to a young boy. Mrs. Nao Sreymao is a single mother who currently residing in the one of most remote areas within Stung Treng province. She has been reported to have a tough life supporting the family; while going through a divorce. Her life depends entirely on her rice field which was not productive, and she normally finds herself lack of food, having financial problems, and barely feeding her child. Her life continues likewise until she joined NTFP’s project activities over the last 2-3 years (She was not able to identify since when she started with the project).  Mrs. Nao Sreymao was introduced to NTFP by NTFP’s community officer staff (Mr. Danen). Over the last 2 years, she has become a half-commercial farmer with the support of NTFP both technically, and materially (water pumping motor and nets), and crops for her agricultural need. Her life has been reported with gradual positive transformation to which she is now having better nutrition and income. Below is her story and life-changing experience during NTFP’s project operation;

“Before I know NTFP, my life had always been tough. Despite my bad living condition, I was having a really difficult time raising my child by myself while trying to survive day after day. I was really at the bottom of my life after divorcing. Back then, my mean of survival was entirely dependent on my rice field, and without any technical capability, I was barely eaten and supported my child. A year later, I have gotten to know NTFP. I keep receiving an invitation from them to summon me to join their agricultural training and other related lessons about the market. I have been adapting to the lesson and with direct help from NTFP’s staff, I decide to change my way around my farm. I have been working likewise for the next whole year, and that was the time I have come to see positive results from my effort. Right now, I have 7 different vegetations for both sale and consumption. I was able to earn income for a good whole year, but I find that I can earn more in the dry season than in the rainy season. For now, I am no longer worried about being a single mother or being unable to feed my child-like before. I am blessed with all these results and life-changing experiences which I can’t thank enough for all the help and support from NTFP. I wish that NTFP will keep continuing their work in the future.”

Mrs. Nao Sreymao’s current income is approximately 4 million riels in dry seasons and about 2-3 million riels in rainy seasons (approximately 1700$ per year). With her success, she has been and always help other farmers in her village by sharing her experiences as well as through the lessons book that she received.